Monday, December 17, 2012


I had to step back.

A combination of a big day in my life, several days of lingering illness (I'm finally starting to feel better), a birthday and "too much social media overload" made me step back for a couple of days.

I shut off the computer yesterday (except for maintaining my blog), turned my back on Facebook, and only did one brief email check.  Today, I checked email only because I was expecting some big news in relation to a longtime friend who is battling cancer, and stayed off of Facebook except for a couple of brief visits.

Guess for me, that is being unplugged.

I will return to normal but not quite yet.  Tonight I am just going to enjoy the evening and catch up with some (hard copy) reading.  I will continue to blog, but don't expect anything extensive for a couple of more days.


And if you are wondering why the friend in Brooklyn knows why.  I am so thrilled because she

The big R word.

The joy is tempered because I know others who are still fighting that nasty, unfair fight.  But today, this dread disease has suffered one setback and I hope there will be more and more setbacks for The Big C.  I hope, and pray, that one day no one will ever have to fight this fight, ever again.

Dear friend, tonight I celebrate with you.

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